Putting Performance First: FSIP and Navitas Transform Recreational Golfing

FSIP Becomes Certified Repair Facility and Distributor for Navitas

In 2012, Navitas Vehicle Systems Inc. proudly designated FSIP as the certified aftermarket repair facility for their Legacy electric vehicle controllers, underscoring our unwavering commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovation. This strategic partnership signifies a significant milestone in our journey towards excellence and serves as a testament to our consistent dedication to providing top-notch service and quality within the electric vehicle industry.

With over five decades of industry experience, FSIP has continually set the bar for excellence and reliability, which is why Navitas, a respected leader in electric vehicle systems, chose us as their trusted repair facility. This partnership reflects their confidence in our remanufacturing expertise and our ability to meet and exceed industry standards.

In addition to our role as the certified repair facility, FSIP is excited to expand its collaboration with Navitas by becoming a distributor of Navitas Golf Conversion Kits. These innovative kits are specially designed to enhance the performance of golf carts, aligning with Navitas' commitment to innovation and cutting-edge technology. Through our distribution of these conversion kits, FSIP seeks to elevate the recreational aspect of the golf industry, offering golfers improved performance, efficiency, and a more enjoyable experience on the greens.

The year 2012 marked the beginning of an exciting chapter in our partnership with Navitas Vehicle Systems Inc., underscoring our resolve to provide customers with high-quality, sustainable solutions, whether it's in the realm of electric vehicle controllers or through groundbreaking golf cart conversions. At FSIP, we remain dedicated to advancing our industry while steadfastly upholding our commitment to quality and sustainability.